How does prostate enlargement affect urination?

October 13, 2024
The Prostate Protocol By Scott Davis The Prostate Protocol can come to the rescue of all those who want a natural solution for prostate enlargement. It will address the root cause and treat the condition naturally. Also, there will be many other benefits. After following the program, one can live a healthy and stress-free life. More importantly, you can consider a refund if you do not find it useful for you.

How does prostate enlargement affect urination?

Prostate enlargement, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), can significantly affect urination by putting pressure on the urethra and bladder, leading to various urinary symptoms. As the prostate enlarges, it compresses the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body), making it difficult for urine to pass through easily. This can lead to a range of urinary problems. Here’s how prostate enlargement affects urination:

1. Urethral Compression

  • Narrowing of the Urethra: The prostate surrounds the urethra, so as it enlarges, it can narrow the urethra. This narrowing can obstruct the flow of urine, making it difficult to empty the bladder fully. The narrowing of the urethra can cause a weaker urine stream and require more effort to begin urination.
  • Incomplete Bladder Emptying: Because the urethra is partially blocked, the bladder may not fully empty during urination. This can lead to a feeling of incomplete emptying, where the person feels like they still need to urinate even after finishing.

2. Increased Bladder Pressure

  • Bladder Muscle Overwork: As the bladder tries to push urine through the narrowed urethra, the bladder muscles may become thicker and more sensitive. This increased effort can lead to irritability and overactivity of the bladder muscles, which may cause more frequent urges to urinate.
  • Frequent Urination (Polyuria): Due to the inability to fully empty the bladder, men with an enlarged prostate may experience frequent urination throughout the day. This is particularly noticeable at night (a condition called nocturia), leading to multiple awakenings to urinate.

3. Weak Urine Stream

  • Reduced Force: As the prostate presses against the urethra, the force of the urine stream diminishes. This results in a weak or slow urine stream, making it difficult to start and maintain a steady flow during urination. Some men may experience dribbling at the end of urination.

4. Hesitancy and Difficulty Starting Urination

  • Delayed Start: Men with an enlarged prostate may find it difficult to initiate urination, a condition known as hesitancy. The increased resistance caused by the compressed urethra can lead to straining or a delay before urine begins to flow.

5. Urgency to Urinate

  • Sudden Urges: The pressure on the bladder and the urethra can make the bladder more sensitive to even small amounts of urine. This can lead to urgent needs to urinate, where a person feels a sudden and intense urge to urinate, often with little warning.
  • Urge Incontinence: In some cases, urgency can lead to urge incontinence, where the bladder contracts involuntarily, causing leaks or accidents before reaching the bathroom.

6. Nocturia

  • Frequent Nighttime Urination: Nocturia, or waking up multiple times during the night to urinate, is a common symptom of BPH. This occurs because the bladder doesn’t empty completely during the day, leading to more frequent accumulation of urine that triggers nighttime urination.

7. Straining to Urinate

  • Increased Effort: Due to the increased resistance from the narrowed urethra, men with an enlarged prostate may have to strain to push urine out. This straining can cause discomfort and may lead to further complications, such as bladder muscle fatigue.

8. Bladder Stones and Infections

  • Complications from Incomplete Emptying: The inability to fully empty the bladder can lead to urine stagnation, which increases the risk of developing bladder stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Bladder stones can cause additional urinary symptoms, such as pain, blood in the urine, and difficulty urinating.

9. Chronic Urinary Retention

  • Severe Urinary Retention: In more advanced cases of BPH, the blockage caused by the enlarged prostate may become so severe that urine cannot be expelled from the bladder, leading to urinary retention. This can result in the inability to urinate and may require immediate medical intervention, such as catheterization to relieve the bladder.

10. Overflow Incontinence

  • Involuntary Leaking: When the bladder cannot empty completely, it may eventually overflow, causing involuntary leakage of urine. This is known as overflow incontinence and occurs when urine dribbles out due to the bladder being overly full.

Summary of Urinary Symptoms of Prostate Enlargement:

  • Frequent urination (especially at night)
  • Urgency to urinate
  • Weak or slow urine stream
  • Difficulty starting urination (hesitancy)
  • Incomplete bladder emptying
  • Straining to urinate
  • Dribbling at the end of urination
  • Urinary retention (inability to urinate)


Prostate enlargement (BPH) can lead to significant urinary symptoms by compressing the urethra and affecting bladder function. Common issues include a weak urine stream, difficulty starting and stopping urination, frequent urination (particularly at night), and the sensation of incomplete bladder emptying. In more severe cases, BPH can cause urinary retention, leading to infections or bladder stones. Managing these symptoms often requires medical evaluation and treatment to prevent further complications and improve quality of life.

The Prostate Protocol By Scott Davis The Prostate Protocol can come to the rescue of all those who want a natural solution for prostate enlargement. It will address the root cause and treat the condition naturally. Also, there will be many other benefits. After following the program, one can live a healthy and stress-free life. More importantly, you can consider a refund if you do not find it useful for you.